
3 1/2 years later

I just remembered about this blog. I missed it. And looking at it, I regret I stayed away for so long.
A lot has happened since August 2010, and my life has changed quite a bit.
I have moved back to Montana at the end of September 2010, but things have finally-sort-of settle over the last couple of months. It may be a good time to rekindle these trails. Perhaps by starting with little ambition, just a flew blurbs here and there until posting becomes a habit again.
Since the weather here is giving such pretty picture opportunities, my introduction to 2014 is a very short hike up Ward Mountain, south west of Hamilton, this past Saturday, February 1st.
I took the dogs for a little tour in winter paradise - soon to be not that great since an icy trail laid under the snow, and the Maddie aka the mad dog could just not wait to run ahead, bringing me down multiple times on my bad knee (recovering from partial meniscetcomy). Despite her final run up the mountain, out of my sight, and probably between traps, I went home with my head full of fresh air and beautiful images.


Col de la Sachette

The weekend rains brought some snow on the summits (this is on August 16th). Nice clear skies for my last hike. A long, long day hike.

This is a dynamite pole: several charges to blow avalanches from a distance (this is above an exposed segment of the road to Tignes). Quite impressive!

The trail is finally climbing up towards the pass.
And it gets quite snowy! Bummer for me, I am wearing shorts and low hiking shoes.
The pass is over there, at the end of the trail.
And ... there!
You can't really tell on the picture, but the wind is blowing pretty hard. I took shelter against that rock to have a snack,
facing the valley I came from,
and wondering if I could take a shortcut on the way down following the ridge... hhm maybe not.
A rabbit was here!

After eating quickly I hurried down to warm up a little bit, taking some time to admire the glacier of the Dome de la Sache.
Another good day up in the mountains.

It's funny to be writing this post and looking at this pictures from the summer: right now, I am sitting in front of gate 68 in Salt Lake City, looking at very a different kind of mountains in the back. Honey, I'm home! :)


Col du Palet, Col de la Tourne

The hike starts with the greetings of Mr Marmot, obviously not bothered to have his house so close to the trail.
climbing up above the lake. nice to see the sun again!

Hey! Is this guy following me??
Getting closer to the first col, the col du Palet
And up and over. I am following the ridge trail to find a place to eat

Here is my spot. with a view on the next valley,
the north face of the Grande Casse
and other suspended glaciers...
I saw these edelweiss too! First time in my life I see some!

Ok, time to move on, towards the east now.

Here's now the climb to the second col.
I see you, fattie!

Yay! No more climbing!

It's all downhill for... ever!!!!
Still not there...
Getting closer - now I see lifts
MTB trails

The going to the sun trip

Mid-August. The weather is not that great in Tignes, but it doesn't matter because I am heading south to meet my former roommates.
Leaving Tignes (green) and going to Briançon (red)

And my smart friends had brought the mansion-tent: 2 bedrooms and a large living room. A very good idea, it turned out, as we actually spent most of the weekend in it.
A few pics of the short hike we had time to do. The scenery is quite different from further north. Elevations are mostly the same, but the weather is (usually) warmer, with winds coming from the south, and there is less snow up in the mountains. The grass also looks yellower.

Taking advantage of still dry weather to check the itinerary - we don't want to get lost and soaked..

It was a nice weekend though. We had a chance to visit Briançon, a very pretty mountain city. I did not take pictures, but the boy did and is supposed to send them to me. Then I'll post them.
After two days of winter, though, I decided it was time for me to go back to Tignes - and summer.